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8 Keys To Communication For Event Organizers

Embrace the power of communication and witness the transformative impact it can have on your event organizing endeavors.

Organizing an event is a complex process that requires seamless collaboration among various stakeholders.

One of the key factors that can make or break the success of an event is effective communication. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of streamlined communication in event planning and management.

We will explore:

  • Various tools and techniques that foster collaboration among event stakeholders
  • How to create a smoother process from start to finish
  • The secrets to enhanced productivity and increased ROI

#1 Clearly Defined Roles and Responsibilities:

Clearly define roles and responsibilities for each member of the event planning team. This clarity helps avoid confusion, duplication of efforts, and potential conflicts. Establishing accountability and ownership ensures that everyone understands their specific tasks and responsibilities, leading to better collaboration and smoother execution of the event plan.

#2 Clear and Open Channels of Communication:

Establishing clear and open channels of communication is essential for effective collaboration in event planning. Implement a centralized communication platform that allows event organizers, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, and other stakeholders to connect and share information in real-time. This ensures everyone is on the same page, eliminates miscommunications, and enhances overall efficiency.

Check out how Northwest Event Show dramatically improved their communication among speakers and exhibitors utilizing Sessionboard's:

  • Automated customized email & SMS
  • Two-way content upload commenting feature
  • Personalized speaker portals & dynamic dashboard for organizers

#3 Regular Meetings and Check-Ins:

Schedule regular meetings and check-ins to keep all stakeholders updated and address any concerns or challenges. This can be done through virtual meetings, conference calls, or video conferences, depending on the geographical locations of the team members. Regular communication ensures that everyone is aligned with the event goals, milestones, and timelines.

#4 Real-Time Collaboration Tools:

Leverage collaboration tools and event management platforms to streamline communication and facilitate effective teamwork. Platforms like Sessionboard enable task assignment, progress tracking, and document sharing. They provide a centralized space where event organizing team members can communicate, collaborate, and stay organized throughout the event planning process all through a single platform.

For example, the entire evaluations process (submission grading) can be managed through the Sessionboard platform with built in communication tools to make this complex workflow streamlined and efficient.

#5 Dedicated Communication Channels for Specific Tasks:

Create dedicated communication channels for specific tasks or areas of event organizing. For instance, you can have separate channels for speaker management, sponsor relations, logistics, and marketing. This compartmentalization allows stakeholders to focus on specific aspects of the event and ensures that relevant information is easily accessible.

Of course, it helps to use a platform that gives administrators a dashboard view of each channel.

#6 Effective Email Communication:

Email communication plays a crucial role in event planning, but it can also become overwhelming and time-consuming. Encourage efficient email practices such as using clear subject lines, concise and to-the-point messages, and utilizing email templates for common communication needs. Establish email protocols and guidelines to streamline communication and prevent information overload.

With Sessionboard, organizers have access to a ton of useful email tools, all of which can be used to send messages directly through the platform to their stakeholders.

Tools like:

  • Merge tags
  • Bulk & Individual sending options
  • Email templates

Event organizers also have the ability to send weekly digest emails. When enabled, portal users will get a weekly email when they have tasks assigned to their portal. This email will summarize due dates, completed tasks, pending tasks, and provide a login link to quickly access the portal. Also, they can enable email notifications so that speakers and group primary contacts will receive an email when new tasks are assigned to their portals.

#7 Clear and Timely Communication of Changes:

Events often require adjustments and changes along the way. It is crucial to communicate these changes clearly and in a timely manner to all relevant stakeholders. Whether it's a change in schedule, venue, or any other aspect, proactive communication helps minimize confusion, allows stakeholders to adapt accordingly, and ensures a smooth transition.

If you're looking for a platform that empowers you to communicate changes to you speakers, sponsors, or exhibitors, Sessionboard has you covered. When session schedules are adjusted in the platform, all stakeholders connected to that session are notified automatically of the change so you don't have to worry about manually updating them.

Worried about keeping your attendees up-to-date with schedule or venue changes? Thanks to Sessionboard's embed feature and open API, you can keep your publicly displayed session agenda (as well as speakers) accurate in real-time with the changes you make in Sessionboard. Whether your using an event website builder like ASP or making your own event page, this feature will help you keep your audience in the know.

#8 Feedback and Continuous Improvement:

Encourage feedback from all stakeholders involved in the event planning process. Feedback can provide valuable insights into areas that require improvement, highlight successful collaboration strategies, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. Actively seek feedback and implement changes based on the suggestions received to enhance future event planning processes.


Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful event planning and management. By implementing streamlined communication channels, leveraging collaboration tools, and fostering a culture of open and transparent communication, event stakeholders can collaborate more efficiently, leading to smoother processes, improved productivity, and successful events.

Embrace the power of communication and witness the transformative impact it can have on your event organizing endeavors.

Want to learn more about Sessionboard? Let's chat!

About Sessionboard

Sessionboard is a next generation speaker & content management platform that simplifies the complex workflows and disjointed communications that exist around speaker and content management. From call for papers, abstract evaluation, awards, applications, agenda building, speaker onboarding and communication, Sessionboard helps event organizers work smarter, move faster, and improve their ROI.

The results? A faster-growing event, more productive staff, seamless collaboration with speakers and more time back to do what you do best—building epic experiences.