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Agenda Builder - Overview

This is your agenda's new sidekick.


As former planners, we understand the challenges of developing an engaging agenda that helps achieve the goals of your organization.

Although we will never be finished building out our agenda management tools, we wanted to highlight the core components we have added in order to help save event marketing teams time, improve communication and optimize their overall content strategy. 

The Agenda Builder includes:

  • Unassigned Sessions & Planning Sidebar: The strategy phase
  • Interactive Session Management: Realtime Session Updates / Edits 
  • Customizable Agenda with Filtered Views: List, Day, Week, Track, Room, Conflicts
  • Conflict Detection: Speaker and Room Conflicts  
  • Integration Synching: How it works and integrations to date.
  • Versatile Embeds: Speaker Gallery, Event Agenda


Build Your Agenda with our Drag and Drop Scheduling Sidebar. 

With your agenda’s new sidekick, you have the ability to create unscheduled sessions and to drag and drop them directly into your agenda.

We all know that building a great program is an iterative process and we wanted to emulate that with this new release.

We’ve provided organizers the ultimate flexibility with your agenda. You can easily start with Session Topics and fill in the details later. You can start with time blocks, locations, etc. Whatever works best for you.

This should make it easier than ever for event organizers to manage sessions without fixed dates and times. Whether you're just ideating on your content strategy or bringing together the final pieces of an event's puzzle.


Seamless Session Edits and Updates

Event details and logistics can change rapidly and often. In Sessionboard’s agenda builder, you can quickly edit and update sessions in real-time while keeping your central source of information accurate and up to date for your entire team. 

Session edits can be seamlessly made with:

  • Inline or full-profile session management 
  • Make changes in real-time 
  • View updates to session logistics and details instantly 

Many of our customers utilize this feature across hundreds of events, and these are the most impactful use cases we see with session edits and updates:

  • Save hours of time in timetabling work
  • Take more control over your event agenda and logistics 
  • Avoid schedule mistakes 
  • Adapt quickly with last-minute changes
  • Quickly edit session times, sponsor details, speaker details, and more

Custom Session Fields

What we’ve heard

Many organizers want to track the AV needs of each session for the production team. Now using custom fields in Sessionboard, these details can be easily captured and edited on the fly. Some examples of what you may want to track are:

  • Type of mic required by the speaker 
  • Teleprompter use
  • Speakers use of video or slides 
  • Total number of chairs needed in the room 
  • Total number of chairs required for panel presentations
  • Podium or no podium 
  • Lighting requirements 
  • Live demo technology needs 

Take a look
We added this functionality directly to the session editor.

Editing Subsessions

Another small detail that can mean the world

Subsessions help you group related presentations into a single time and room block. Perfect for combining shorter talks or breaking out niche tracks

For example, for events taking place within the exhibit hall such as demos, live interviews, or podcast recordings, those sub-sessions can be added within the exhibit hall parent sessions. 

The Sessionboard agenda builder also gives event teams access to editing the subsession details in real-time along with the parent sessions. 


Manage Your Agenda In Multiple Views

Having dynamic visibility into your event agenda helps event teams more effectively and easily manage session flow and details and coordinate complex details and logistics with ease. 

List View

The list view is a popular view feature that allows event organizers to:

  • Bulk update accepted sessions
  • Send bulk emails 
  • Manage data imports and exports 
  • Transparently show accepted sessions with collaborators
  • Filter views by track or tags 

Day View 

Get a snapshot of your event agenda to manage all sessions and logistics day by day. 

Week View

Zoom out to see and manage the flow of your event over the course of an entire week. 

Track View 

The track view is great for building your event agenda, and quickly deploying changes to sessions times to create an agenda whose content flows seamlessly. The track view allows users to:

  • See where there are gaps in your program
  • Assign and manage session tracks by owners
  • Block off priority sessions or time slots
  • Utilize color coding across session tracks. 

Room View (finalized event agenda) 

Once your event agenda is finalized, the room view lets you dive deep into complex conference planning. Block times based on anticipated attendance, room locations, and manage the program with an eye to attendee experience

Detecting Schedule Conflicts

You can easily see all conflicts related with your event and correct them well before they become a real life disaster on-site.

As an event organizer, you know that building a program agenda is complicated and schedule conflicts can be a major headache. When your program agenda has overlapping sessions, or speakers and moderators who are expected to be in two places at once... it's up to the organizer to make the adjustment.

Our Conflict Detection feature is a valuable tool for event organizers as it swiftly identifies conflicts with:

  • Session times
  • Room locations
  • Speaker, Chairperson, & Moderator schedules

With this feature, you can quickly see if two sessions are overlapping, or if a session participant is scheduled for two sessions at the same time.

The conflict detection feature has a number of benefits, including:

  • Peace of mind: Knowing that you've identified and resolved all schedule conflicts before your event can put you and your team at ease.
  • Clarity: The conflict detection feature provides clarity about your event schedule. This can help you make better decisions about your event, giving you the power to create a seamless agenda that makes things run smoothly.
  • Efficiency: The conflict detection feature can save you time and effort. You won't have to manually check your event schedule for conflicts, so you can spend that time on something more important.


Save Time With Integrations 

Once you’ve approved and scheduled your sessions, integrations get your data from Sessionboard to other platforms in a snap. Integration partners include: Cvent, ExpoPlatform, ASP, Grip, Swoogo, Gleanin (...) 

Save time and reduce manual effort by syncing your agenda with other event technology platforms. You can sync sessions from your agenda in a one-click process, and most integrations support continuous sync. 


Embed Speaker Gallery and Event Agenda 

Event organizers are looking for a one-stop view of their speakers and their sessions in a “schedule” format that is both more interactive and engaging for their attendees that they can embed on their custom event website.

This speaker gallery & schedule itinerary embed is a valuable resource for event organizers who want to provide their attendees with a clear and concise overview of their event's speakers and sessions.

With the ability to embed from Sessionboard, you can:

  • Create a one-stop view of all speakers and sessions for attendees
  • Showcase an interactive and engaging profile of all event content
  • Be accessible through mobile-friendly features 

Are you a Sessionboard User? 

We want to hear from you and we value your feedback. 

Contact us at support@sessionboard.com.

We have more coming for you. Here’s what’s next from Sessionboard: 

  • Ability to block off non-session time frames (control rooms, lunches, manage conferences with more complex logistics with room requirements)
  • Configure settings to create more boundaries in your drag and drops, letting users choose what sessions that can see in the agenda view 
  • Ability to view and configure pending sessions alongside accepted sessions 

Schedule a demo: learn more about Sessionboard

About Sessionboard

Sessionboard is a next generation speaker & content management platform that simplifies the complex workflows and disjointed communications that exist around speaker and content management. From call for papers, abstract evaluation, awards, applications, agenda building, speaker onboarding and communication, Sessionboard helps event organizers work smarter, move faster, and improve their ROI.

The results? A faster-growing event, more productive staff, seamless collaboration with speakers and more time back to do what you do best—building epic experiences.

Bryan Funk

Event Marketing Executive In Residence