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Introducing Automated Evaluation Assignments—Maximizing Fairness, Minimizing Bias

A powerful new feature designed to streamline submission reviews, reduce bias, and ensure fair, efficient evaluations.

At Sessionboard, we understand that managing submission evaluations can be overwhelming, especially for large-scale conferences with thousands of submissions. That's why we're introducing Automated Evaluation Assignments, designed to simplify workflows, increase fairness, and ensure that only the best content makes it to your event.

Here’s What We Did:

Automatic Session Assignment: Sessions are now automatically presented to evaluators in a balanced order to ensure every submission gets a fair chance, reducing the bias that can occur with manual selection.

Limited Evaluations Per Session: To prevent overloading evaluators, we’ve introduced limits on the number of times a session can be evaluated. This keeps feedback focused and concise.

Customizable Evaluator Questions: Move beyond open-ended questions and gather rankable, actionable insights with yes/no and drop-down questions.

Time-Saving Plan Duplication: For event organizers managing multiple evaluation plans, you can now clone existing plans, tweak criteria, and launch them within minutes—saving valuable time.

Why Is This Important?

For event organizers, ensuring that submission evaluations are both fair and efficient is key to surfacing the best content and keeping evaluators engaged. This feature empowers your evaluation teams to provide meaningful feedback without being bogged down by lengthy review processes.

Here’s How It Helps You:

Automatic Session Assignment

Scenario: You're managing thousands of submissions, and it's easy for bias to creep in when evaluators manually select sessions.

What we did: We made the process automatic. Now, sessions are assigned in a balanced way to evaluators, making sure each one gets equal attention.

Impact: This automation eliminates any unconscious bias in the review process and ensures more diverse and fair content selection.

Limited Evaluations Per Session

Scenario: Evaluators are getting overwhelmed by reviewing the same content repeatedly.

What we did: We set limits on how many times a session can be evaluated, making sure each piece gets focused, meaningful attention without overburdening your team.

Impact: With fewer distractions, evaluators are more likely to provide better feedback, on time, with less fatigue.

Customizable Evaluator Questions

Scenario: Open-ended questions make it hard to gather clear, actionable feedback.

What we did: We added customizable questions—yes/no, drop-downs, and more—to make sure feedback is consistent and easy to analyze.

Impact: These structured questions provide rankable data, leading to more consistent grading and clearer insights into session quality.

Time-Saving Plan Duplication

Scenario: You're running multiple evaluation plans and constantly re-building workflows for different events.

What we did: We introduced plan duplication, allowing you to clone existing evaluation plans and adjust criteria quickly.

Impact: This feature saves time and effort, letting you launch multiple evaluation plans with just a few tweaks, increasing productivity for your team.

Why It Matters for Large-Scale Events:

For large conferences—especially in academic, scientific, and medical sectors—the ability to efficiently manage thousands of submissions is essential. Sessionboard’s Automated Evaluation Assignments ensure that:

Unbiased, Fair Grading: Balanced session assignments reduce bias and prevent evaluators from being overloaded.

Scalability for Large Teams: Whether you have dozens or hundreds of evaluators, our tools scale effortlessly while maintaining high-quality feedback.

Transparency and Simplicity: Evaluators can easily track their progress and tasks, ensuring a smoother workflow from start to finish.

What your administrators see…

What your evaluators see…

Why Choose Sessionboard?

Sessionboard is purpose-built for complex, large-scale events, delivering robust tools to streamline your evaluation process. Our Automated Evaluation Assignments not only improve fairness but also reduce the workload on evaluators—making sure only the best content is selected for your event.

About Sessionboard

Sessionboard’s focus on continuous innovation in speaker and content management has resulted in saving organizers hundreds of hours per event while providing speakers with a streamlined, modern experience. From call for papers, abstract evaluation, awards, applications, agenda building, to speaker onboarding and communication, Sessionboard helps event organizers work smarter, move faster, and improve their ROI.

Ready to see it in action? Schedule a demo today and discover how Sessionboard can elevate your event content strategy.

Ian Davis

Marketing Manager