‹ Event Content Professionals to Follow 2024

Laura Simmons

Laura Simmons

Laura Simmons is the Director, Global Content Strategy, responsible for the content strategy and development across all elements of Cisco Live, which is Cisco’s largest customer event.  She has been involved with content development for over 20 years, working with companies such as Cisco, IBM, Intel, and Sun Microsystems.

Laura Simmons is the Global Content Lead for Cisco Live, Cisco's annual customer conference brand. She oversees all technical and non-technical content and programming and is not only fantastic at executing with operational precision but is always willing to push the boundaries to take risks and try new things. Examples include launching a new interactive breakout session format and increasing snackable content formats throughout the event in non-traditional session settings.She has also grown co-located programs at Cisco Live for distinct target audiences such as Director to VP and C-level that have increased the value Cisco Live delivers to the business.

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